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26 September 2017

How marketers become THoMers

New colleagues joining The House of Marketing always get a warm welcome by the THoMunity and immediately feel part of something bigger. However, only after attending the much talked-of Immersion Camp, you feel like a real THoMer.


When we organize something at The House of Marketing, we take it seriously. Agendas were blocked, coaching was provided, and 17 brand new THoMers - including myself – got immersed into the values and the way of working of The House of Marketing.

A challenging case -as we like it- was the common thread throughout the week. The objective was to develop an e-commerce strategy for Oxfam, which included a traffic generation, retention and data strategy. Solving a case for Oxfam is part of our “Marketing4Good” project, a commitment of The House of Marketing to support a good cause all year long. Working on a project with a positive impact on the world made the already enthusiastic THoMers even more excited.

While working on the case you really felt the ‘THoM-vibe’, which I would describe as an extremely positive and inspiring atmosphere. Besides learning from each other, coaching sessions provided us essential insights to solve the case, and helped us to grow as a THoMer. Of course, also some fun activities were scheduled in our tight agenda, to give us the necessary distraction from time to time. The escape room reinforced our collaboration skills, yoga cleared our heads and smoothies revitalized our bodies.

It goes without saying, every THoMer will remember this intense week of dreaming, thinking and doing, for the rest of his career and will look back at it with a certain nostalgic feeling…



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