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24 April 2017

How to attract geniuses…the millennial way?

Four marketers, four colleagues, four friends, four Millennials. Our mission? To bring together the world of marketing and Millennials in Belgium.

As we’re marketers, expect a different view. Real questions, real stories, real insights, real actions. Every month (or so, we’re flexible), we’ll be back with a specific topic related to millennials. Let us know what you really want to hear about and we’ll consider exploring the subject. Consider being the key word.
Disclaimer: Our views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the management 

Attracting geniuses through 7 marketing techniques

1. Shout where you're going and we'll decide if you're worth joining

Lesson from a marketer's book: Be real and relatable

We need a sense of direction and contribution. It’s not all about fame and fortune anymore, we need a purpose aligned with our own values. Be very clear on what we can expect of our job, the company, the culture, the way of working. When interviewing millennials, don’t just put them in a meeting room with an HR representative. Have them walk around the department they’ll be working in. Show them the informal areas of the company (the coffee machine being the most important one 😋). Listen to their questions and share your own stories, the good and the bad. Never overpromise and undersell. As our manager, we want to know who you are, what you value, what you stand for and if there’s a match with how we think.


Fun fact: If you’re wondering what’s in it for the company, how does up to 20% more employee motivation[1] sound?


2. Listen to us and we’ll follow you

Lesson from a marketer’s book: Use insights and data before making decisions

We value learning from others, but above all we value being heard. Listen, listen some more and when you think you’ve listened enough, you’ll finally be ready to really start listening to us. We love working for leaders that are an example to us, but you’ll need to earn our respect. And we don’t derive that from your job title or the amount of grey hairs you might have. Only if you collect the right amount of data from us, you will be ready to say and do the things that really matter to us.



3. Empower us to achieve great things and tell us when we do(n’t).

Lesson from a marketer’s book: Communicate openly and transparently with the customer community

We want to know that we are valued, and how we’re doing. Listen to us, even if we’re young and might have less experience. We expect this of all leaders in the company. Give us your frank opinion of how we’re doing, we’ll be happy to return the favour. Give us feedback frequently, we’ll appreciate your candour and acknowledge you giving us the opportunity to change.
Managers happy, me happy

4. We need partners in crime…

Lesson from a marketer’s book: Look for synergies between brands

We crave the ability to work in a progressive environment where we can collaborate with our colleagues and complete meaningful work together. We understand we are just one part of a bigger whole. Give us autonomy within a team in which collaboration is key and we’ll achieve greater things than if we’d only get individual targets and projects. The days of the lone wolf are over, we’re a pack.

THoM meeting

Expert tip: Try a social collaboration tool such as Yammer, Google Hangouts, Workplace by Facebook, Slack or a vintage get together to share knowledge and enthusiasm. It will help break down the barriers for communication

 5. ...and a space to conquer the world

Lesson from a marketer’s book: The right message in the right time on the right place

Don’t forget we yearn for a change of scenery every once in a while. We might be in comfy clothes, but can still be very productive when working at home or in a coffee shop. It helps us find new inspiration. Do you have a bar, a chill out zone or a ping pong table? If not, consider getting one tomorrow. And we don’t believe in walls (#sorrynotsorryDonald).

Experiment with different organization forms that suit your company, culture and employees: holacracy

Become friends with Alexa

Lesson from a marketer’s book: Technology as an enabler for better customer intimacy

Technology as a way to simplify our lives and remain connected to the world is essential. Don’t underestimate our efficiency and ability to multitask. Ask yourself hard questions: Why are we emailing when perhaps we should be using chat? Why use a different software program at work than 90% of the employees use at home? If a system is not accessible from afar, perhaps you shouldn’t be using it. As the lines between work and life get blurred, technology should be seen as an enabler, to bring us closer, not burden us with inefficiencies or additional work.

Craaaaaaazy idea (but do it nonetheless): Consider using a chatbot on the career pages of your website. This will potential candidates give an idea about how the company thinks about technology and will immediately answer questions they might have.


7. Put us in a garage

Lesson from a marketer’s book: To think outside of the box, you need to know how

Amazon, Apple, Disney, Google, Microsoft. Enough said. Give us a collaborative environment in which we can experiment without the burden of corporate red tape or hierarchies. Got an idea? Bring it to the garage and see where it goes. The House of Marketing started its own garage concept in which corporates, start-ups and marketing experts work together to solve burning business questions, making smart use of new technologies. Innovation starts in an innovative environment.


Because we’re in this together - shout out our inspiration sources:

We had fun writing this, hope you enjoyed reading it.

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[1] Edelman, Edelman trust barometer (2016). 
