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12 July 2017

Made a mistake with marketing automation? Testing is key!

Nowadays, in this world of marketing automation, a human error is only one click away. We all know the feeling of panic when we unintendedly post, send or share a message. And we can testify! Recently we also accidentally sent out a wrong email. Oops, something went wrong…

But when it comes to marketing automation, we believe at The House of Marketing that you should think big, start small and scale fast. And of course, scaling fast sometimes also means failing fast forward. Then it is key to learn from your error and to avoid it in the future.

As an answer to our hiccup, we formalized our email testing procedure: identifying all criteria that should be checked no matter what, creating a testing scenario for the email tool and establishing a testing scenario for an email workflow. Since this kind of mistakes could be made by anyone, we would like to share what we learned with you!


