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9 July 2018

#NeverStopLearning: what trainings at our house look like

At The House of Marketing, we heavily invest in the growth of our THoMers. Our interactive trainings and get-togethers aim to broaden horizons, both professionally and personally. We selected 3 trainings we’ve recently hosted in-house:

7 Habits

On May 28th and 29th, our most recent joiners attended a training on 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. Franklin Covey’s famous ideas are ingrained in our DNA, because we encourage effectiveness, at our desks and beyond.  Armed with their personal course book and practical tools, our THoMers walked through the 7 principles.

“The most powerful habit I learned about is ‘seek first to understand, then to be understood’. It’s the precondition for win-win situations and synergies, both in the workplace and at home”, says THoMer Debbie. 

7 Habits training

Priority Management

On June 19th, a group of THoMers took part in a workshop on time management, hosted by Priority Management Antwerp. They learned to distinguish urgent and important tasks and reduced their inbox to zero messages.

THoMer Nienke attended the course: “The workshop contained interesting learnings, for example the way you assign tasks to messages in your inbox. It’s something I’ve been trying to use instead of to-do lists. The matrix that was presented during the training has made it easier to recognize what’s important and urgent amongst all things that have to be done.”

THoMers at the Priority Management workshop


On July 6th, we welcomed One Bonsai, an agency creating Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) products, during our Friday lunch. After a theoretical part about the wondrous and game-changing worlds of VR and AI, a number of brave THoMers took the opportunity to live the experience first-hand.

THoMer Greg was one of them. He put on glasses and had to keep his balance while walking along a thin plank high above a busy street in New York City. "Great to discover the opportunities of virtual reality for marketers during one of our discovery sessions!"

THoMer Greg trying out the VR glasses
One Bonsai at our Friday lunch

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