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19 September 2016

What happens if you put 17 new THoMers together in a house for 1 week?

On Monday August 29th, 17 excited THoMers arrived at a cosy farmhouse in Berendrecht  with the sparkle in their eyes: the Immersion Camp of The House of Marketing was about to start!

2016_POV_Charlotte-Stijn_Immersion_Camp.jpgEach year, around the beginning of September, all THoMers who joined in the previous 12 months participate in the Immersion Camp to immerse themselves in the values and way of working of The House of Marketing. In that way they become part of the dynamic and motivated team. This is conducted by a mix of so-called ‘booster sessions’ on essential and hot marketing topics, interactive communication workshops and teambuilding. A real-life business case to be presented at the end of the week is the recurring theme enabling the brand new THoMers to put theory into practice.

“Organizing the Immersion Camp in a cosy setting really helps THoMers to get to know each other in a very natural and informal way.” - Nicole Berx, Founder & Senior Business Manager


The 2016 edition officially kicked off with the presentation of the case: developing a digital strategy to gain more volunteers and funds for a good cause. One could feel the excitement among the THoMers, who were clearly inspired by working for a charity organization.

“Applying our marketing expertise to indirectly help people who really need it, gives a lot of satisfaction.”
- Stijn Gysel, Junior Consultant

The booster sessions on digital planning, marketing automation and omni-channel, as well as the workshops on presentation skills and structuring, provided the THoMers the necessary tools to work on the case.

“Working together on a case is the best way to learn. The new consultants can learn from each other, from the more junior to the more senior people. Everybody has to bring something to the table.”
- Stéphanie Duchemin, Human Capital Manager


The Immersion Camp of The House of Marketing has several objectives: 

1. Immerse the new joiners into the values of The House of Marketing

All THoMers embody and need to reflect the company’s unique values and culture.

“Being a value-driven company, we want to immerse our new joiners as soon as possible into our values and inspire them.”
- Kris Vansanten, Chief Coach

2. Learn the concepts that The House of Marketing uses every day

The booster sessions and workshops aim to deepen the new THoMers’ marketing insights and to let them master the latest marketing concepts as soon as possible.

“After this week, I feel truly prepared for the life as a real THoMer.”
- Charlotte Marin, Junior Consultant

3. Create bonding between the new THoMers

The Immersion Camp combines hard work and fun. The company is a connected hub of marketing consultants. So it is very important to make the new joiners feel at ease from the very beginning by giving them the opportunity to get to know each other in an informal way. Working and having fun together help to create that valuable connection.

Former Arts student Amélie, master in Sports management Stijn, former L’Oréal marketing director Alexandra, marketing automation specialist Renout, former Literature student Florence... the Immersion Camp 2016 brought together people with different backgrounds but with one thing in common: their passion for marketing!

Have a look at who our 17 new joiners are here!


Want to know the key facts and figures of the week?
