Taking up the challenges
Gantrex is active world-wide in rail fixing products & solutions, especially for cranes in harbours, but also for e.g. warehouses. Gantrex has been growing in a very decentral way. Seen the fact that local managers had a lot of decision freedom, there is not real company-wide image and marketing material. On the other hand, as harbours are important customers and they have gone through a recent centralization trend, more consistency & focus is needed for Gantrex.
We accepted the challenge to rationalize and optimize their marketing materials assuring a better worldwide brand image.
Bridging the knowing-doing gap
Because there was a lack of alignment on the branding and positioning of Gantrex, that was historically grown like this, we started to interview a lot of stakeholders at Gantrex to clarify their point of view on the positioning of Gantex. But we also spent enough time to dig into the real needs and expectations of the customers of Gantrex. We also did a benchmark of how similar (yet non competing) companies are doing their marketing.
With this result and using our “(re)positioning workshop toolkit”, we held a positioning workshop (a.o. using the Treacy & Wiersema model). The result of this workshop was a completed Brand Identity Card, including brand values and resaons to believe.
Based on this Brand Identity, we created a briefing for our colleagues at Hello agency to design a new logo, visual identity and complete brand book. In parallel, we held creative sessions at The House of Marketing to develop Gantrex’ new baseline “On Track. With You.”
We continued by screening al the existing marketing materials (from letterheads, over business cards & banners, to packaging materials and data sheets). We created a customer decision journey and mapped existing and new to be created marketing materials on each of the stages. For instance, we advised to use video, which was translated in a “corporate & case video” on the Gantrex’ homepage:
With the new logo and the roadmap for creation of more impactful marketing material, better in line with the customer’s expectations, needs and decision journey, Gantrex has, and still is, deploying all of this on it’s off-line and on-line marketing materials.
To measure is to know
Revamp of the logo:
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From: Quality on track
To: On Track. With You.
From: Quality minded, looking for technical innovations
To: More customer focused: by fully understanding the customer’s needs and problems and by using the innovation capabilities, helping the customers to realize their projects, still keeping the highest quality standards.
Meet our team
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Dirk Blondeel Senior Manager, Lead Consultant |
Karel Ingelbeen Junior Consultant |
Graphic Design Team |
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