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29 February 2024

Podcast: ID Marketing, what is this integrated revolution?

Episode 01 — The House of Marketing Podcast


With Lies Taerwe, Managing Director at The House of Marketing


In this episode, Lies Taerwe, Managing Director at The House of Marketing, joins us to explain how Integrated Data (ID) Marketing can revolutionize today and tomorrow's way of doing marketing, and how businesses can implement ID Marketing today.




Lies explains how the normal way of doing marketing is based on asking customers what they would do in certain circumstances. Would they buy your product? Do they have certain needs? Do they like your campaign and would it move them? "However, as valuable as it is, there is a limitation to qualitative and quantitative research. This is not because people on purpose lie in it, or hide the truth, but because of the fact that 95% of purchase decisions are made unconsciously."

So actually, asking people what they will do when confronted with your product or campaign is not a fair questions. Customers don’t know what they will do, until they do it – now always based on rational thinking, but based on reflex, habit, intuition. This is unfortunately causing still a lot of products and businesses to fail: 80% of new products launched are unsuccessful. And that’s what we as The House of Marketing did not want to accept.

With today’s tools and data there is no need anymore to accept it. It is time for marketing, like so many industries, to be transformed. And that is where ID Marketing comes in. We want to include behavioral data in the marketing strategy from early on. Integrated Data (ID) Marketing is all about knowing what people do, understanding why they do it and then scaling it, to make sure what you bring to market, and how you bring it to the market, is meeting customer needs, and is therefore a success.


Dig deeper into ID Marketing:



Want to go further with implementing ID Marketing at your company?





